James Layton
Publisher/Bookseller/Loose Cannon
James Layton is the Larri-King of Larrikin House who – fuelled by chocolate, coffee, and inappropriate jokes – runs two successful businesses. Sharp as a razor, this man will tell you exactly what he thinks without using a single euphemism – a true talent! He is unwavering in his commitment in creating edgy, wacky, quirky books that push boundaries, because as a young reluctant reader himself, he wants kids to love reading from an early age. You’ll find James inside a Zoom screen, making yet another spreadsheet, meticulously sorting out his warehouse or trying not to get cancelled at literary events. He might also be in the drive through at KFC. Passionate, knowledgeable, impulsive, and thoughtful, this man is one hell of a force! (He’s also a giant kid, but we won’t focus on that here.)
Dani Vee
Publicity/Acquisitions/Author/Energiser Bunny
Dani Vee is the voice behind social media (sorry for the bad jokes) and the force behind having Larrikin House at literary events, conferences, the opening of envelopes and collaborating with literary organisations. Pretending that networking is actual work, Dani has brought well-known Australian creatives with a larrikin vibe to Larrikin House to create more wacky stories kids love. Dani is the slush pile culler, School of Larrikins organiser, writer of copy and doer of the million other things James ‘suggests.’ Dani works alongside James in Acquisitions on big picture ideas and humour (we leave the details for those more talented than us.) You’ll find Dani on social media, trapped inside a Zoom screen, podcasting for Words and Nerds, at literary festivals, on a plane somewhere between Sydney and Melbourne or pitching some madcap idea to James (which on average he approves 68% of them, the other 32% she does anyway, because what are rules?)

Abigail Cini
Publisher’s Assistant/Editor/ Movie lover
Abigail Cini is our proof-reading assassin, reading every manuscript and AI sheet within an inch of its life. No typo or grammatical error gets past this woman! Abbie’s role is varied and diverse and includes the payment of royalties (some would say this is the most important job), liaising with our overseas contacts, sending review copies, and assisting James in the daily grind of publishing. With an eye for detail, Abbie is responsible for making sure our final manuscripts are sharp and error free! Abbie has also ventured into editing manuscripts. Now that we are publishing chapter books, we need more eyes and editors at the table! You’ll find Abbie at the movies, roller skating, a family event or basically enjoying the social life of Paris Hilton circa 2000, none of us can keep up!