Publisher, Publicist, Author & Podcaster
Dani Vee is host of the popular literary podcast Words & Nerds, and has had over a million downloads.
She is also a facilitator at literary festivals, and has judged manuscripts for picture book awards, and crime novels for the Ned Kelly Awards and the Ngaioi Marsh Awards.
At Larrikin House Dani is publisher, publicist and manages the production schedule for new releases. She is always looking for great, on brand manuscripts to publish.
Dani has published picture books My EXTRAordinary Mum and the My EPIC Dad! series, as well as a junior fiction title Riley’s FAILPROOF Guide to Breaking a School Record & My Pet Croc (coming soon). She has also had a crime fiction short story published in Dark Deeds 2.
Her specialty is creating humour, edge, quirk and perfect rhyme into your manuscripts.

Specific & Comprehensive Feedback
Like most publishers, we just don’t have the time or resources to send feedback on manuscripts. However, by going through the assessment process, you’ll be given very specific and comprehensive feedback on your story. 'This is always where the best stuff happens'. – according to James.
Once you have been through the checkout, please email your manuscript to and you will be allocated a date and time for your assessment.