Author: William Anthony
What would happen to our planet if all the plants disappeared?
What could you live without? You could live without chocolate or TV, right? Those things are easy to lose. But what about a world without any sunlight or rain falling from the skies? Could you live in a world where plants or animals had disappeared? How about a world where you couldn't even go to the toilet?
Discover what it would be like to live in a world without the most important parts of everyday life in this weird and wonderful series.
Australian Curriculum:
Science - Biological Sciences
Cross Curriculum Priority Sustainability
Published: March 2024
Reading Level: Primary
Pages: 24
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Book Life
Product Category: Geography & Environment / Geo/Env: Environment/Ecology / Geo/Env: EE - Green Issues
What would happen to our planet if all the plants disappeared?
What could you live without? You could live without chocolate or TV, right? Those things are easy to lose. But what about a world without any sunlight or rain falling from the skies? Could you live in a world where plants or animals had disappeared? How about a world where you couldn't even go to the toilet?
Discover what it would be like to live in a world without the most important parts of everyday life in this weird and wonderful series.
Australian Curriculum:
Science - Biological Sciences
Cross Curriculum Priority Sustainability
Published: March 2024
Reading Level: Primary
Pages: 24
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Book Life
Product Category: Geography & Environment / Geo/Env: Environment/Ecology / Geo/Env: EE - Green Issues