Author: Sara Green
Minecraft is the best-selling video game of all time! Through informative text and photos, this title introduces readers to the history of Minecraft from its beginnings to the present-day, including important releases and updates, charitable giving, fan engagement, and more. Features offer additional information, including a creator profile, a historic timeline, a sales graph, a character feature, and more. Readers will enjoy exploring the Minecraft world with this fun title!
Australian Curriculum:
Technologies - Digital Technologies
Published: September 2023
Reading Level: Primary
Pages: 32
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Bellwether Media
Product Category: Business & Economy / Bus/Econ: Media/Advertising
Minecraft is the best-selling video game of all time! Through informative text and photos, this title introduces readers to the history of Minecraft from its beginnings to the present-day, including important releases and updates, charitable giving, fan engagement, and more. Features offer additional information, including a creator profile, a historic timeline, a sales graph, a character feature, and more. Readers will enjoy exploring the Minecraft world with this fun title!
Australian Curriculum:
Technologies - Digital Technologies
Published: September 2023
Reading Level: Primary
Pages: 32
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Bellwether Media
Product Category: Business & Economy / Bus/Econ: Media/Advertising