Larrikin House 12 Month Author Mentorship


Sale price$550.00



At Larrikin House, we believe that by creating a supportive and transparent community, we are providing creatives with a unique experience to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the writing, publishing and bookselling industry. 

We encourage writers to learn their craft and submit their work to the most appropriate publisher.

We've put together a package to keep you learning your craft all year, some of it interactive and some of it at your own pace.

Please note that this is an all access package to workshops and feedback, it is not a guarantee of publication with Larrikin House or any other publisher. 

The Package includes:

⭐️ Free entry to School of Larrikins Pitches throughout the year.

⭐️ Access all On Demand workshops

⭐️ Manuscript Assessment with Dani Vee – 45 minutes via Zoom (including written comments)

⭐️ Manuscript Assessment Follow Up after re-write with Dani Vee via Zoom (including written comments)

⭐️ Pitch the publisher your final manuscript (15 minutes). 

⭐️ Final feedback from publisher.

⭐️ Submit manuscripts outside normal submission dates which will be read by both Dani and James.

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